Original Production June 28 | Wednesday | 5:00PM | Mishkan Ashdod
The history of Israeli cinema and musicals is full of unforgettable moments that shaped us all. Great soundtracks written and composed especially for their shows went out from the stage and the big screen and have also become a part of history in the music charts. AshdoDance Festival is proud to present this year an original show that brings to the stage dance works performed to the sounds of these modern classics. From "B’Simla Aduma","Natati La Chayai" and "Yamim Tovim" to "Shiro Shel Shafshaf" and "Hashoter Azulai". Join us and come rediscover the magic of movies and musicals through the songs played on stage by artists and a live orchestra. Directed by: Roy Kabiri Musical manager and keyboards: Pini Spiegler Price: Individuals - 40 NIS, Group price (per person) - 30 NIS