Page 11 - Ashdodance Festival 2024 - English Program
P. 11
July 18 | Thursday | 7:00 PM | Ashdod Performing Arts Center FESTIVALA
Marina Maximilian - There Is A Home Here SHDO
An intimate encounter of Marina Maximilian, the choreographer Rinat Aronis and a piano DANCE #7
A Special Production
for the Festival
מארינה אורי קריספין: שי פרנקו | צילום להקה:צילום
,מפגש אינטימי עם מארינה מקסימיליאן
הכוריאוגרפית רינת ארוניס והפסנתר
In every musical style that Marina chooses to sing, she Marina will sing and play piano arrangements of her
brings with her a captivating, larger-than-life theatrical hits, and Rinat Aronis' dancers will perform poetic
dimension. In the unique performance that will take dance pieces that will give them a new, sweeping and
place this year at Ashdodance, Marina collaborates colorful interpretation.
with the esteemed choreographer Rinat Aronis, head of
the professional ensemble track at the "Dance Academy”, Direction and Choreography -
and together they weave enchanting worlds around Rinat Aronis
Marina's beloved songs.
| 11 | TICKETS | 08-9522242 | ASHDODANCE.COM | Between 09:00 A.M -07:00 P.M