Page 15 - Ashdodance Festival 2024 - English Program
P. 15

July 17 | Tuesday | 11:30 PM | Cafe Theater Beit Yad Labanim  FESTIVALA
Greek Taverna                                                         SHDO
With Maya Sol                                                         DANCE                            #7

                          A Special Production
                              for the Festival

                                                              ‫יטובורנניהת‬                                               ‫ יח“צ‬:‫צילום‬

                                                              ‫עם מאיה סול‬

The spirit of the Mediterranean connects the port of          Maya Sol invites you to set aside your troubles, raise a
Thessaloniki with the port of Ashdod, blending the            glass, and enjoy the infinite beauty of Greek music.
scent of ouzo with melodies of longing and love.              Opa!

Maya Sol invites you to set aside your troubles, raise a      Refreshments and seating around tables.
glass, and enjoy the infinite beauty of Greek music.

Refreshments and seating around tables.

| 15 | TICKETS | 08-9522242 | ASHDODANCE.COM | Between 09:00 A.M -07:00 P.M
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